Renée de Nève Photography Renée de Nève Photography


July 6th, 2021

I am dedicating my post today to my wonderful, cheeky but determined cat. For anyone who knows me, knows that I love my four legged fluffy monster more than anything in this world. Today we both received news that was better than I could have imagined. I know one day we will need to part ways and I know this will happen sooner rather than later but for now, he is being a brave little soldier and winning the battle of battles. I have so much gratitude and deep down I had put faith into the unknown and that positive things can and do happen. So here is to you Fluffy. Thank you for being part of my life and I know we both had a difficult year but I am so happy we can go through this together (or as far as it’s possible for a human and a pet to go through). I am looking forward to many many more cuddles and playtime.

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